Minutes of the Meeting
9 March 1999 |
Place: Trieste, Italy
(University of Trieste, Piazzale Europa 1, Facolta di Economia)
associated with
on Differential GPS & GLONASS Techniques & Applications on Safety
in CEI Area organized by Prof. G. Manzoni, Trieste, 9-12 March, 1999
Representatives of Austria,
Belgium, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech, France, Germany,
Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Ukraine |
given to
those present |
Chairman: |
Prof. Dr. Stanislaw Oszczak |
Prof. Dr. Giorgio
Prof. Dr. Frantisek
Vejrazka |
Scientific Secretary:
Zofia Rzepecka |
General remarks:
1. Chairman, Prof. Stanislaw
Oszczak, took the floor:
He started with a welcome address,
directed to the invited guests, members of the Group and all present persons.
Then he recalled the main
objectives of the WG, as they had been accepted during the First
Meeting in Nice, May 1998.
Also, the report of Group
activity was given.
2. According to the programme,
the next event was an invited lecture, given by Prof. Gunter. Hein,
from FAF
in Muenchen, on "Current Status and Plans of GPS, GLONASS and GNSS". Main
topics risen
in the
lecture were as follows:
Current problems of EGNOS (eg.
low elevations of both INMARSAT satellites in European latitudes),
RIMS stations,
System Galileo for Europe - plans, options,
GPS modernisation process,
GLONASS status and future.
3. The next invited lecture
was given by Mr Brian Toll, from European Commission, Directorate
- General VII
in Brussel, on "From EGNOS to GALILEO". Short summary of the lecture can
be formulated as
in January 1998 - strategy for
GNSS by the European Commission,
in March 1998 - European Council
of Ministers requested for: recommendations on the future approach
to GNSS, intensification of contacts with US and Russia, prediction of
GPS and GLONASS future,
GALILEO options and description
of the proposed system, phases of development,
4. The third invited lecture
was given by
Mr Thomas Maier from EGNOS Project Office in Touluse,
Background of EGNOS Project". Main topics covered in this speech:
what is GNSS1 (GPS, GLONASS,
EGNOS, Local Area Systems),
EGNOS - system definition, architecture
and description,
WADGPS - general concept (instead
of sending overall error corrections, as in LADGPS, the approach is to
break pseudoranges errors down into components and estimate them separately),
conclusion - GPS + GLONASS is
too less for safe navigation.
5. After the lectures, Prof.
S. Oszczak gave a general comment, that we should discuss how to integrate
systems which exist in Europe, with the European System, to create
one, unfied navigation system.
6. After a coffee break,
according to the programme, the Second Meeting proceeded with the European
Forum, chaired by Mr Brian Toll from the European Commission.
7. As the first speaker,
Ms Fiona McFadden from the European GNSS Secretariat, Brussel, Belgium,
the floor.
She presented herself as the
Secretary of the European GNSS Secretariat,
Her role is to promote EGNOS
and its development, since there is an urgent need to create one, unified,
safe navigation system for the whole Europe,
this statement is clearly seen
when looking at the following figures:
- there has been observed
a considerable increase of number of member states in the UE (from 15 to
27 countries),
- number of inhabitants
living in United Europe has grown from 370 to 480 million,
- the surface of the unified
countries has increased by 33%,
- during the same period,
there has been observed the growth of GDP by 9% only,
main conclusion from the presentation
given by Ms Fiona McFadden has been formulated as follows: "satellite signals
cannot stop at country borders, the system similar to GNSS should be developed
and applied in the region, providing profits to whole Europe".
7. The next speaker was Prof.
Pedro Rosa from Aeroporto de Lisboa, Prtugal. He presented a lecture
Implementing Co-operation with South America":
The project aiming at the expansion
of EGNOS for South America and the Caribbean,
Creation of the Iberian-American
Test Bed,
Conclusions of the report:
- an involvement of all
interested parties should be sought from the beginning of the project,
- the highest level of political
support must be awarded to the project for the best chances of success,
- the involvement of the
European Commission, the European GNSS Secretariat and the ESA
Executive enables
the best support,
- it is not easy to get
everybody together in the same project and avail everybody of the resulting
synergy; but
it is our job to try and to preserve.
8. A discussion started after
this presentation:
Prof. Hein
asked about
the intentions to go to the South America. The answer, by Prof. Rosa,
was that we would be the first there.
Comments given by Prof. Graszka
from Technical University in Budapest, Hungary:
- he has an experience in
working for Libia transport, the used geostationary satellites and a local
- suggestion to create a
DGPS European standards (through establishing of a Working Group on
- comment on the name of
the Galileo system - it should be "Galilei",
- the Europe, if it wants
to be global, it must go out of its borders,
- some comments on the GPS
and GLONASS current status,
- the question: who will
pay for the new system (in the context of the costs of 8 billion paid for
perhaps it
would be better to buy the GLONASS system?
9. The chairman gives the floor
to Prof. Vejrazka from the Czech Technical University. Prof. Vejrazka
a lecture on "Dissemination of DGPS Corrections by Long Waves
The main topics of
the presentation:
experience in using long waves
for sending DGPS corrections, structure of the reference station in Prague,
LF and VHF coverage,
possibility of using DGPS within EGNOS,
LW dissemination will be useful
also for EGNOS in hilly and urban areas,
description of data channels
the EGNOS corrections can be
repeated (re-calculated) by LW transmitters and/or RDS.
10. Further discussion:
Prof. Łatka
from the
Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland,
asked "a provocative question" to Prof. Graska: "Why do you suggest to
buy the GLONASS system, telling at the same time the system is not usable?
The answer was that there is a need to make it operational.
Prof. Hein
gave a few
remarks: we (Europe) need to obtain two frequencies, only the Americans
and the Russians have their frequencie; the Russians have very good clocks.
Prof. Graska answers that we may use frequencies at about 1 GHz, they are
not protected.
Mr Brian Toll
comes back
to the questions previously stated by Prof. Graska. He agrees that the
name "Galilei" would be better. This system, in spite of its name, should
be an integrated system, it would be better that it would be a DGNSS. 24
satellites is too less for transportation navigation, it is better to have
27 satellites. Furher remarks concerned the promotion of our, European
products and job markets, not American. Europe should integrated with Russia,
Russia must be treated as real partner. The Galileo system will be civilian.
It will cost about 20 billion of US$, it will be protected against hacking (this costs much, but it is very important
nowadays). All components of
the new system will take their origin in Europe. The GPS system is military,
it will always depend on military and political requirements. Considering
GLONASS - Russia wants to be an equal partner to the European system. Now, the very hot topic is
frequency. There must be organised a frequency conference. What concerns costs - the system will pay for
itself, it will
influence a development of the whole Europe.
Prof. Graczka
for the answers and comments.
Brian Toll
- contacts between all the
involved European countries and their representatives are of great
he believes it is not our last meeting,
- we must ensure a political
agreements in all the European countries,
- we will find money if
we find applications for the new system, we must be inventive and know
- he thanks to all participants
for their taking part in the Meeting.
11. During the Meeting an updated list of memebers of the CEI WG on SATELLITE
was established.
The Minutes prepared by Dr.
Institute of Geodesy, Olsztyn
University of
Agriculture and Technology
tel: +48 89 5233481, fax:
+48 89 524768