Minutes of the Meeting
Meeting Date:
21 April 1998 |
Place: Nice, France
associated with EGS General
Assembly 1998
Nice, 20 - 25 April, 1998
Representatives of Austria,
Czech, Italy, Poland, Ukraine |
given to
those present |
1. Chairman, Prof.
Stanisław Oszczak, introduced the preliminary
programme of the meeting, that had earlier been proposed,
as follows:
basic organisational issue
common platform for organisational
and scientific activity and cooperation of the Group
identification of navigation
and positioning requirements and standards for land, air and marine users
in CEI countries,
putting together suggested guidlines,
procedures, algorithms that can/should be implemented to real-time navigation
and geodetic positioning,
investigation of a structure
of reference stations throghout the CEI countries for the needs of satellite
state of the art of differential
satellite positioning in individual CEI countries,
state of the art of EGNOS,
EGNOS and individual CEI countries,
definition of areas of further
research and development to integrate national and Local Area Augmentation
Systems (LAAS)with the European Satellite Navigation System being developed
by CEI countries,
suggestions concerning the next
meeting of the Group,
summary, conclusions, recommendations.
2. Organizational
Prof. S. Oszczak proposed
to consider changing the name of the Group into: “Satellite Positioning
and Navigation Systems”. Prof. S. Śledziński, the Chairman of Section
C “Geodesy”, emphasized that it had to be approved by Section C
of CEI and that it would then overlap with other Groups, as eg. Geodynamics
etc. The name of the Group caused quite a long discussion. Some further
proposals were given, as eg. “Real Time Satellite Positioning and Navigation”
(by Prof. G. Manzoni), “Satellite Positioning for Navigation
(by Dr. Stangl), “Satellite Positioning for Navigation and
Cartography” (by Prof. G. Manzoni). At last it was concluded that the
name of the Group would be left open to further discussion by national
Election of deputy chairman
and scientific secretary of the Group. Candidate Prof. G. Manzoni
(Trieste, Italy) was accepted for deputy chairman and Dr.
Z. Rzepecka (Olsztyn, Poland) as the scientific secretary of the
It was remarked that there were
only representatives from Austria, Czech, Italy and Poland participated
in the Meeting. Prof. J. Śledziński promised to write an announcement so
that plan of the Group activity would be included into the next Circular
Letter to National Coordinators of CEI. Prof. G. Manzoni emphasized that
a letter of invitation to other countries should be sent, especially that
the Group activity is very important in the context of creation of the
East-West Transportation Corridors.
3. Common platform
for activity
It was proposed and accepted
that there should be created Internet page of the Group, the title it should
be the same as the name of the Group.
Also, it was concluded by Dr.
Stangl that state of the art in satellite navigation should be a common
knowledge, thus access to information concerning this subject is very important.
4. Further topics
of the Meeting programme
Prof. S. Oszczak:
the further topics should be concerned during next meetings of the Group.
Dr. Stangl: every
member of the Group should prepare own proposals concerning the points
of the activity programme and than they should be presented at the next
meeting, that can be organized in Wetzell.
Prof. J. Śledziński:
the term is too quick, it could not be accepted; everybody should be responsible
for a given part of the activity, the Chairman must coordinate everything.
Dr. Z. Rzepecka:
the tasks must be strictly formulated before they can be distributed among
the members.
Prof. S. Oszczak:
in one month we will be waiting for suggestions concerning activity of
the Group from every members. The programme points should be included as
a subject of a Conference or Seminar that could be organized in Olsztyn,
in autumn'98 or winter’99. The term of it remained open, it will be fixed
via e-mail.
5. Points of the meeting
programme concerning EGNOS
Prof. S. Oszczak:
in EGNOS the situation is different than some years ago, ESA is ready to
include the CEI countries to West-European programmes, therefore we have
big chance to be included into EGNOS within PHARE programme, the efforts
to accomplish it should be taken by individual CEI countries as well as
Prof. J. Śledziński: the
programme INCO-COPERNICUS, as scientific one, is preferable for the Group
purposes. The programme must be prepared very carefully, there must be
a coordiantor chosen from the United Europe Countries, at least 6 countries
must take part in such a project. Suggestions concerning these proposals
should be given during the next meeting of the Group. Professor Manzoni
could be our coordinator.
Discussion on the project in
the frame of INCO COPERNICUS: participants dealt with some questions as
how to substantiate such a project, what should be the subject of it, how
to obtain more detailed information on INCO COPERNICUS, how often such
projects are admitted for financial support, etc.
Prof. G. Manzoni proposed
title for the project under discussion as “Differential Navigation Satellite
Systems Without Borders”.
Conclusion: every
member should consider this proposal and prepare some suggestions to the
next meeting.
6. Summary
time of the meeting in Olsztyn
is open but everybody agreed that it should be organized, preferably in
autumn 1998,
agenda of the meeting should
be prepared,
INTERNET page of the Group will
be prepared,
communication between the members
will be provided via e-mail.