Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia:
GPS Reference Network
J. Sledzinski :
Project of
establishment of a multi-functional network of GNSS reference stations in
Central and Eastern Europe
G.Manzoni, University of
Trieste: Real Time GNSS at the Centre of Excellence Telegeomatics,
University of Trieste
S.Oszczak, University of Warmia
and Masuria: Real Time GNSS in Poland
F.Vodopivec, University of
Ljubljana: GNSS in Slovenjia
13.00 Lunch
14.30 Field experiments with GNSS
equipped vehicles:
S.Oszczak, M. Bakula, A.
Ciecko, M. Walawski,
University of Warmia and Mazury: Kinematic EGNOS test
Technical University of Warsaw:
RTK base station
G.Manzoni, University of
Trieste: GIGI, a Road Survey GNSS/INS positioned vehicle
G.Mussumeci, University of
Catania: MMS system of the University of Catania
17.00 Report on the experiments
and discussion
19.00 Buffet and concert
10 September
9.00 Presentations
S.Andonov, DGCA, Macedonia:
Real Time GNSS in Macedonia
G.Caroti, University of Pisa:
Real Time GNSS activity at the University of Pisa
R.Pagurut, University of
Trieste: DARC experiments and future services in Fiuli Venezia Giulia
11.00 Session of Education on SAT
NAV, Reports by chairman
F.Vodopivec, University of
K.Czarnecki, Technical
University of Warsaw
G.Manzoni, University of
Trieste: Education in Geomatics at the University of Trieste
S. Oszczak – A new M. Sc.
specialization on Satellite Geodesy and Navigation in University of Warmia
and Mazury
13.00 Lunch
14.30 Presentations
R.Cefalo, M.Gatti,T.Sluga,
University of Ferrara and University of Trieste: Static and Kinematic
experiments on EGNOS
A.Piemonte, University of
Trieste: Application to air pollution monitoring in Trieste
E. Falchi, A. Pala, G. Sanna,
G. Vacca, University of Cagliari: Internet-based DGPS service from the
Cagliari Permanent Station. GIS application with LapTop and Pocket PC
M.Gatti, University of Ferrara:
DGPS and RTK via Internet
M.Marsella, C.Nardinocchi,
University of Rome La Sapienza: The road survey photogrammetry project.
F.Degrassi, A.Moro, ACEGAS SpA,
Trieste: Real Time DGPS on digital 1:1000 map of Trieste
S.Pershin, A.Lyash,
Wave Research Center:
General Physics Institute and Space Research Institute
Russian Academy of Sciences:
50x improvement of laser rangefinder accuracy for MMS application.
17.00 Conclusions
Poster Session
M. Bakula, A. Ciecko, S. Oszczak, M. Grzegorzewski,
University of Warmia and Mazury:
Estimation Of Accuracy Of GPS Positioning Methods Used In The Determination
Of Aircraft Trajectory
D. Popielarczyk,
S. Oszczak, University
of Warmia and Mazury:
Determination of Accuracy of Boat Positioning during Bathymetric Survey
A. Ciecko, S. Oszczak, University of Warmia and Mazury:
Determination of Accuracy of GPS Kinematic Methods in Real-Time and
Post-Processing Modes
Cydejko, S. Oszczak, Gdynia Maritime Academy and
University of Warmia and
Mazury: Tests of EGNOS System Test Bed (ESTB) Performance In Poland
Information: prof. Giorgio Manzoni,
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Trieste